Ovals for Dreams

Bunbury Regional Art Gallery

Western Australia

Ovals for Dreams records aspects of popular sporting activities in Australia. The paintings and carvings by Dinni Kunoth Kemarre and Josie Kunoth Petyarre together with paintings by Jody Broun depict both significant sporting events in both remote communities and in the city of Melbourne.

Viewers will relate to these works which potentially conjure up thoughts of either attending a football game at the MCG, meeting with the players after the game, kicking the match winning goal after the siren, winning a horse race, playing cricket for Australia, attending a rodeo, riding a bull or having a prize winning ute, or travelling away from home to participate in an extraordinary event.

Ovals for Dreams is presented by the Mossenson Art Foundation in conjunction with BRAG. 14th September until 3rd November 2019.